Making Connections, 1680-1830
2021 update: RECSO is not currently holding events due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage students, researchers and faculty interested in eighteenth century studies to visit the websites of the History Faculty, the English Faculty and the Voltaire Foundation for news and updates about upcoming events and seminars. The Graduate Seminar in British History, 1680-1850 and the Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture Research Seminar continue to convene online.
Welcome to The University of Oxford’s online community for Romanticism and Eighteenth-Century Studies. Hosted by TORCH, our purpose is to provide a central forum for graduates and researchers from all departments to engage with the latest in the long eighteenth century. With information on seminars, Bodleian collections, academic contacts and postgraduate projects, we enable access to the range of events and expertise on offer at Oxford, and to promote collaborative networks and interdisciplinary study.
To stay abreast of RECSO’s activities and other developments, both in Oxford and in the wider scholarly community, please sign up to our News page.
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